Well-executed software projects can lead to incredible new technologies, but unclear leadership and poor communication can run even the most well-laid plans straight into the ground.
It takes a strong leader like Rahul Verma to properly execute these ambitious goals. This engineering manager has taken the reins of several ground-breaking software development projects at global industry leaders like Capital One. Over the course of his 20-year career, he’s developed key skills like clear goal-setting, mentorship, and regular learning, and his mission-centric roadmaps help him stay focused on what really matters: growth, collaboration, and innovation.
Keeping a Mission in Mind
At the start of every new project, Verma lays out straightforward mission and vision statements for the entire operation. He likes the 5 Whys method: By constantly asking why something needs to be done, everyone can develop a crystal-clear picture of what the real goal is and be able to maintain a straight trajectory.
A strong mission statement also helps explain what everyone is working on, making it a valuable selling point — pitching a project is much easier if you can quickly explain what the purpose is, after all.
Re-Evaluating for Better Results
Of course, not everything always goes according to plan. For any major project, it’s expected that developers will encounter some difficulties, and it’s critical to have alternative tactics in mind ahead of time if the initial plan just isn’t working.
When Verma was working on the development and launch of the Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses, he needed to reassess the project on a regular basis. When his teams came across obstacles, he provided mitigation strategies and effective alternatives to keep the project on track and successfully produce deliverables.
Encouraging Constant Education and Knowledge Sharing
Verma is a firm believer in constantly learning. For example, his passion for studying the latest improvements in automation, privacy and security measures, and integrated platform management allowed him to modernize the Capital One homepage with efficient cloud technologies.
But Verma also works to pass on what he has learned and believes that his teams should share in his thirst for knowledge. That’s why he’s gone above and beyond to train young professionals in unfamiliar technologies. For instance, thanks to his efforts, an ambitious QA engineer was able to step up into a coding role.
Becoming a Servant Leader Across the Organization
Verma believes in empathy, active listening, and receiving feedback from his direct reports — all crucial soft skills of a quality servant leader.
He works to provide inspiration, offer new ideas, and keep spirits high, but more importantly, he aims to foster an atmosphere where everyone on the team can grow. This leadership style demonstrates his commitment to holistically building up teams.
Championing Cross-Functional Collaboration
Because Verma has led many cross-functional teams, he’s seen firsthand how such an environment can lead to effective knowledge-sharing. At FAANG, he led an initiative to pair engineers who needed mentorship with talented peers to coach them. After receiving so much excellent feedback, the program was expanded.
By promoting better cross-organizational communication and collaboration, Verma empowers teams to thrive and succeed together.
Optimizing for Innovation
Rahul Verma’s methodical planning and emphasis on collective growth have helped him lead many cutting-edge projects to success. At Capital One, he pioneered its Homepage switch to cloud services as part of the banking industry’s cloud initiative, and for FAANG, his Ray-Ban Smart Glasses received acclaim from both users and the media.
Verma has found inspiration in the words of John Maxwell: “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way.” So, by setting out with a clear vision, taking in as much new information as possible, and listening intently to his team, Verma excels in lifting up those around him and launching ambitious new projects.
Greg Grzesiak is an Entrepreneur-In-Residence and Columnist at Grit Daily. As CEO of Grzesiak Growth LLC, Greg dedicates his time to helping CEOs influencers and entrepreneurs make the appearances that will grow their following in their reach globally. Over the years he has built strong partnerships with high profile educators and influencers in Youtube and traditional finance space. Greg is a University of Florida graduate with years of experience in marketing and journalism.